Digital Learning

Why do we have a digital program?

In May 2008, Education Ministers issued the third Joint Ministerial Statement on ICT in Australian education and training: 2008-2011 acknowledging that information and communication technologies “are enabling the change of the curriculum and changing the way students and educators operate, learn and interact”. Ministers have agreed that:

“Australia will have technology enriched learning environments that enable students to achieve high quality learning outcomes and productively contribute to our society and economy.”

– Joint Ministerial Statement on ICT in Australian education and training: 2008-2011

The national vision for ICT in education is school based and complements other initiatives that will prepare schools and the teaching work force for effective 21st Century learning. To help achieve the national vision, the Digital Education Revolution will require coordinated action, not only with regard to ICT, but also in respect of approaches to learning and relationships to the broader community.

More than ten years on, Leeming Primary School still strives to lay foundations for students to excel in Digital Technologies and engage as Digital Citizens.  Our evolving program has embraced a variety of technologies from interactive smart-boards, MacBooks and iPads to robotics, electronics and coding.

Our current iPad program embraces change and acknowledges recent developments in consumer technology.

The agility and flexibility of the iPad format is ideal for the primary school learning environment and recent software developments, including restructuring of the IOS operating system, has allowed iPads to function effectively in the creativity and ‘office’ space that was previously only viable using desktop and laptop systems. 

The school will remain with Apple devices as they have maintained a high standard of security, they are reliable and highly integrated and easier to manage in a school setting.

Students are introduced to tablet devices from Kindy to Year 3, making the transition to BYOD (bring your own device) in Years 4-6 a much smoother process.

Following and exceeding digital curriculum guidelines students will learn the same Digital Literacies and be introduced to traditional ‘computer infrastructure’ and habits such as file management, keyboard typing and online safety.