P&C Association

The Parent Body is represented by both the School Board and  P&C Association.

In addition to organising parental support in various undertakings and providing a forum for the expressing of parents’ ideas, the P & C Association assists in raising funds for school equipment and facilities.

The P & C is responsible for running the Pre-Primary/Kindergarten sub-committees.  Funds are raised throughout the year, through a variety of activities, which are social by nature.

This provides an opportunity for close cooperation and involvement between parents and the school.

Contact details:

General P&C:     leemingprimaryschoolpandc@gmail.com

Fundraising:      leemingpsfundraise@gmail.com

P&C Meetings:

The P&C works in partnership with the school staff to make Leeming Primary the best educational experience possible.

We always welcome new members and are happy to have any parent or local citizen attend the meetings. We understand people are busy and often find contributing time challenging. However the difference your involvement makes in the school and your child’s future is worth the investment, as they say “Many hands make light work”.


The meetings are held in the School Staff Room at 7.00pm, Monday in Weeks 4 and 8 of each term.  We would be delighted to see you there.

Annual General Meeting

The P&C Annual General Meeting is held on the Monday, Week 4 of Term 1 each year.  All positions are to be nominated for. Most of the roles are not onerous and the P&C committee will provide new members with support to settle in and develop their new role.  P&C membership is $1.00 which gives you the right to vote in all P&C decisions.

Voluntary P&C Contributions:

Parents are asked to make a voluntary P&C contribution which is currently $60 per family. The sooner your contribution is received, the quicker the P&C can allocate the funds for the benefit of all students at our school. Contributions can be paid at the school office.

We would like to thank you in advance for making your voluntary contributions each and every year.

P&C Parent Contributions:

The P&C plays a vital role in providing facilities and improvements in the school via fundraising, which our children currently enjoy.

In addition to the financial support, many countless hours are volunteered by parents to provide services, organise fundraising and community events to provide an all-inclusive positive environment for the school.

In the past funding from the P&C has contributed to the following improvements in our school:

  • Re-carpeting of classrooms
  • Purchase new sports equipment, library and literacy resources
  • Nature Playground
  • Interactive White Boards and iPads in Kindy
  • School Playground Art Murals
  • Portable Stage/Platform
  • New Data Projector and Screen for Assembly Area
  • New playgrounds

In addition the P&C are committed to ongoing funding in the following areas:

  • Year 6 Graduation
  • Hand Soap for toilets